immutable [mjutbl] a. 不变的(*unchangeable)
【参】bacteria(n. 细菌);virus(n. 病毒)
【例】Although these bats sleep during the day, they do so curled up with their heads exposed to the sun. 虽然这些蝙蝠白天睡觉,它们依然会蜷起身体而将头暴露在阳光之下。
Are there any free gift products or samples?
【例】The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour. 这辆车的最大时速为150英里。
【例】The quad\'s full of L S & players today. [University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI]
overlook [ovrluk] vt. 俯瞰;忽略(disregard, neglect);检查(inspect)
They would have the opportunity to see different things and know more about life.
【记】来自stick(v. 粘,粘贴)
【记】词根记忆:ag+gress(走)+ion →走到别的国家→侵略
What are you up to? 你正在做什么? 跟上面的例子一样,“你正在做什么啊?”这句话通常我们就只会说,\"What are you doing?\"这样子不会 很无聊吗?其实有时我们可以换句话说,例如:\"What are you up to?\"同样也是问人家你正在做什么?承上 例,假设你在办公室里,你想找人八卦,所以问同事,\"In the middle of something?\"他回答,\"Kind of.\" (算是吧。)这时你就可以打破砂锅问到底,\"What are you up to?\"(那你近在忙什么啊?)
heading [hedalt] n. 标题
string [stralt] n. 弦;细绳,带子
什么时候商店开始营业?What time do stores open
我在哪里能买到?Where can I buy it?
我想看看这个 I’d like to see this
你有别的款式吗? Do you have another design?
你们有什么颜色的?What kind of colors do you have?
能找个我这么大号的吗?Could you show me something in my size?
您需要在起飞前20分钟登机,到时候请您去C2登机口登机。They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then。
【例】A: Will you come to my poetry reading next week?