So I think of taking one year off as a way of rejuvenating(使恢复,使更新) oneself.
【参】analyst(n. 分析家)
brian: help yourself. there is soap, shampoo and conditioner for you.
dario: i don\'t use hair conditioner, just shampoo.
brian: you should try the conditioner - it will help make your hair healthier.
C。彻底击败 论文,就是要证明自己的观点是对的,也就是说,要最大限度地不让反对者有机可乘。
【例】Viruses are inert outside living cells, but within the appropriate cells they can replicate. 病毒在活体细胞外呈惰性,可是在合适的细胞里它们能够复制。
inert [nrt] a. 惰性的(inactive)
【参】customary(a. 合乎惯例的)
lower [loor] vt. 降低(reduce) a. 较低的;下级的,下等的(inferior)
【例】Enzymes are what make many of the body's biochemical reactions possible. 酶使身体的很多生化反应成为可能。//There are two reasons that enzymes are so effective at enabling biochemical reactions. 酶之因此能这样有效地促使生化反应,缘由有两个。
ubber (n)
A strange sensation was crawling through him .
【例】A: What is that you are listening to? The beat's so strong that I can't concentrate on my work.
loses its strength. 装订用的胶没有黏性了。
I think we have a new lease of life.