1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
你们接受什么样的信用卡? What kind of credit cards do you accept?
mammal [mml] n. 哺乳动物
crusade [krused] n. 十字军(远征);运动(movement) v. 加入十字军,投身正义运动
【例】He had an ear infection. 他耳部感染了。
【例】Noise, in the technical sense, implies a random chaotic disturbance that is usually unwanted. 从技术层面讲,噪音确是通常令人讨厌的任意杂乱的干扰。
Will: This looks like Katie’s daughter.
Dolly: You bet. She’s got Katie’s eyes, doesn’t she? And talent, forget about it. Do you know that this kid made from 10)scratch all these crazy hats?
congestion [kndestn] n. 拥塞(clog)
B: Sorry, my bus was delayed. But I'm glad you were patient. It would have been hard for us to find another time to meet this week.
One day,after warning him thus,she left for Olympus inher carriage.Quite by chance Adonis\' hunting dogs found aboar,which roused Adonis to enthusm.He hit the beast with an arrow,but the boar,turning on him,buried its white tusk deep into his tender side and trampled him to death.When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death,she burst into a passion of tears .Unable to take him back from the lower world,she sprinkled wine on Adonls\' blood and turned it into anemone,a delicate purple flower.
【派】temporarily(ad. 临时地,暂时地)
C) 含every-的可用于肯定句、疑问句、否定句。
n.饥荒,饥馑分解为d+earth,d为 冻 的汉语拼音的开头字母,earth为土地,联想一个情景:当土地冻起来之后就长不出庄稼,所以要闹饥荒,闹饥馑