第一章 平行结构
A; where is she from?
B: she said that she’s from a small town in the middle of America.
● 几点要注意的细节
Gertrude, for example, responds to the death of her husband, the King, by remarrying shortly after his death. Rather than dwelling on her new role as widow and theaccompanying sorrow and misfortune that have fallen upon her, she chooses to react by quickly recovering and aligning herself with her former brother-in-law. Given her situation, this is a very intelligent and rational decision, for it provides her with the security of a strong marriage as well as a continued high status as queen, since Claudius has now ascended to the throne. Gertrude positively responds to a negative event rather than letting that event destroy her.
在新鲜出炉的中考英语中 新一 大显身手。
Mr. Wang is very friendly, and ____like him very much.
A. we B. us C. our D. ours
美国人最的纸牌游戏扑克,扑克牌游戏就像牛仔裤一样美国。那末,扑克牌游戏是怎么玩的呢?很简单,每次游戏开始,在发牌前,每个参加玩扑克的人都在牌桌中间放同等数目的钱。发牌以后,每个人再下赌注。发牌前每个人拿的钱和发牌后下的赌注都归游戏的获胜者。扑克牌游戏在美国人当中,有许多牌桌上的语言逐渐就成了日常用语。例如:Sweeten the pot。Sweeten the pot在牌桌上的意思是把赌注的总数加得高,可以对玩游戏的人更有吸引力。可是,词汇变成日常用语了。它的意思是:使提议更有吸引力而在原条件基础上再对对方有利的条件。来举个例子看看:
例句-1: \"Miss Smith didn\'t want the job until the company sweentened the pot by offering her a higher salary and the use of a company car.\"
Yet to get to such a hopeful point, the cash injected into the system in the monthsahead has to be lent, spent and not hoarded.
本文能得满分,开头的第一句话起到了很大的作用。因为它用The debate about quality versus quantity就总结出了题目中没有出现的却暗含的争辩“质量和数量,哪个更重要?”
D选项不符合the more… the more结构,应该立即排除,同时句意混乱。
Look at John\'s toy! (快看约翰的玩具。)
It\'s a fire hazard. (那会引起火灾呀!)
It could catch on fire easily. (这很容易着火。)
It could cause a fire.
Anything could happen.
There\'s no knowing what may happen.
You never know. (任何事情很难预料的。)
Anything\'s possible.
It could happen to you. (对你来说都有。)
E的问题是使用了has,同时else很多余,并且moderate amounts of intelligence的表达不够简洁。
(D)than with the fans in