1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】I have a good retirement allowance that will make it easy for me to buy a nice house. 我有一笔丰厚的退休金,可以让我轻而易举地买一栋漂亮的房子。
[blk]n. 大量;大批
【派】combustibility(n. 燃烧性,可燃性)
(对)I like English very much.
[bsn'ti:izm]n. 旷课;旷工
【例】My supper by this time was cold, and my appetite was gone. 我的晚餐这时候已经凉了,我也没胃口了。
【例】Unable to make flame for themselves, the earliest peoples probably stored fire by carrying charcoal in pots. 由于自己不能生火,最早的人类可能是将木炭装在陶罐中来保存火种。
①on the sixteenth 16号
Jewish and Christian holy books say the Ten Commandments were laws given to the prophet Moses by God. Many Americans believe the country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Many of their beliefs are expressed in the Ten Commandments.? They are a set of rules against murder, stealing, cheating, adultery and profanity.
['bu:mi]a. 发展迅速的;激增的
①can not/can never…too… cannot…enough“无论怎么……也不为过分,越……越好,非常……”