develops a point of view on the issue, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
I\'ve learned something new. (我学到了新东西。)
It\'s a fire hazard. *hazard表示“人力无法躲避的危险”。
Think of his new state in life, anyhow .
Assignment: Do actions, not words, reveal a person or a group's true attitudes and intentions? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.
Neapolitan designer Fausto Sarli on Saturday dedicated the jewel of his collection -- a pinkish gown studded with crystals and lavish swirls -- to U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, saying it represented a light in the desert.
Unbrellas: It\'s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors (在室内撑伞会带来厄运)。太阳因有无穷威力而受到人们崇拜,室内撑伞则被是对太阳的侮辱,进而会给屋内的每人都带来厄运。与伞的事都同坏运,不宜把雨伞礼物送给西方人。
Perhaps another thing that gives this away is the asking of a question that cannot be answered correctly. One of the most popular examples of this is when a woman askssomeone if she looks fat in whatever she is wearing. It may seem like a simple, harmless question, but there is, in fact, no right way to answer this question. If the reply is yes, the woman will surely get angry and upset because now she thinks she's fat. However, if the reply is no, she will surely accuse the responder of lying. In situations like these, it may be best to just not answer at all. I know that's my father's philosophy when my mother poses such questions.
该校哲学、人类学和电影研究系的比德威廉姆斯(Bede Williams)受亨氏公司所托,查看了针对本国前20名抓耳歌曲的研究,以此帮助亨氏改进新的#罐头曲电视广告。
选择E后,全句的结构非常完美,可以简化为… at once thrilling because of A and aggravating because of B。不仅形容词平行,同时两个“because of+名词”的结构也做到了完美平行。
从提问中“Do you agree or disagree that people really want others to give them their honest opinion?”,我们不难发现有一个斜体的“really”。
Adrienne Cecile Rich是美国著名的女权主义者、诗人和散文家,出生于1929年,被称为20世纪后期最有影响力的诗人。
Two-thirds of Americans say they are hopeful about the future.
例: In preparing for a race Jill ran 1/2 the distance that Sam ran, and Sam ran 3 times the distance that Aisha ran. What was the ratio of the distance that Jill ran to the distance that Aisha ran?
E选项的问题在于用分号把so… that结构分开了。
D:I am glad to be here.
(D)upon the reaching of sixty-five years old then