1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
The Bill Graham Civic Auditorium is a new venue for Apple. Historically, the company holds iPhone events at Moscone West or at its campus in Cupertino. The auditorium has a capacity of 7,000 people.
【派】unauthorised(a. 未经授权的,未批准的);authoritative(a. 有权威性的;命令式的)
I was just joking. But my joke came across as an insult and now Bob\'s mad at me!
It is time you went to bed.
【例】Carlos is a supa; get him on our team. [University of Southwestern Louina, Lafayette, LA]
【例】They would not be able to afford cars or homes. 他们买不起汽车和房子。
When Samuel Morse established the first commercial telegraph, in 1844, hedramatically changed our expectations about the pace of life.
from the very first
Most positive; rich; classy.
网上有一个段子广为流传:“这个project(项目)的schedule(进度)有些问题。另外,cost(成本)也偏高。目前我们没法confirm(确认)手上的resource(资源)能不能完全take(用)得了。anyway(不管怎样)我们还是先pilot(试)一下,再follow up(跟进)最终的output(结果),看能不能run(运营)得比较smoothly(顺利),更重要的是evaluate(评估)所有的cost(费用)能不能……”短短三句中文中有14处用上了英文,令普通人听起来味同嚼蜡,尽管其中用到的都是英文常用单词词组,然而猛然听到这些句子,可能会真的有些不适。
【例】Teams of typists transcribed the audio tapes to produce a computerised database of ten million words. 声音录入组将磁带转录成一千万字的电脑数据库。
What I want to say is this ; pronunciation is very important in learning English.
Our new varieties are introduced one after another.
This product is famous for high quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great variety ofdesigns and colours.