1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Working under such a condition is terrible.
(under such a condition 是 working 的状语)
It\'s too difficult for him to master English in such a short time.
from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.
To help him is my duty.
帮助他是我的责任。(help 后跟宾语)
3 非谓语动词可以带有自己的状语或逻辑主语。
1. Leave the past in the past
When you meet someone new, leave any negative feelings or past heartbreaks just where they should bein the past.
2. You won’t meet someone new in your living room
Well, maybe a cute guy will deliver your new sofa, but chances are you’re going to meet someone by getting out there and trying new thingsonline dating, taking a class, etc. Tell everyone, especially your married friends, that you’re looking to meet someone and ALWAYS go to parties. Because you truly never know who you’ll meet.
3. Give the guy a chance
When you were 20 your list was “he must be tall, dark and handsome.” Try going against type. It just might be a perfect fit.
4. Look at blind dates like a first date
Many women met their husbands on blind dates, and you can too! If you’re not sure you want to sit in a noisy restaurant, go out and do something fun. One of my friends went to a baseball game, and she and her date each brought a friend. They had a blast and got married one year later.
5. Time is on your side
Take your time in getting to know your guy and don’t feel in a rush to meet his children or have him meet yours. It starts with the two of you. Make sure this is someone you want in your life.
6. Someone to come home to
When you’re ready to move in together you will discover how wonderful it is to come home to the one you love. Be prepared for some give and takefor example, over which of each others’ belongings stay or go.
7. Your wedding, your way
Now you’re in love and it’s time to have your wedding exactly how you want it. Remember it is all about you and the man of your dreams. Whatever you want is the way to go.
8. Happily ever after can happen to you
It’s never too late to find true love. We did, and you can too!
(C)rest on reporting that is honest, treatment of news sources that is respectful, and stories that are balanced
9. If we compare the population of China with America over time, we see the Chinese population are increasing.
You ought to have been here yesterday.
ought not to have done 句型。表示一件不该做的事情却做了。
That tie goes well with you suit.
The men in suits. The women in fur coats.
On entering the room, candies were being served.[×]
比如,优先使用examine a case而不是the examination of a case,优先使用investigate something,而不是conduct an investigation of something,等等。
In passage 1,Douglass characterizes Banks's labor policy in Louisiana as…(主旨)
(C)an extraction is resulting in chewing problems
B项简化后就是Internet was methods,这显然是不对的。即使意思对,Internet和methods的数也不一致。
No matter how small the study is -- and early studies will be small -- when we havepositive results on a particular technique, it\'s a very hopeful thing.