1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】All ceilings will require double-thickness plaster board to be used in the construction. 在建造过程中,所有的天花板都需要使用双层厚的石灰板。
['peis]ad. 快速地,急速地
Elderly people have so much to offer young people in terms of their experience. Younger generations cannot understand their history and background without the knowledge of the people who came before them and actually lived through those events.
【例】The new film provided the raw material for the introduction of cinematography a few years later. 新的电影胶片为几年后电影摄影术的诞生提供了材料。
☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin;
This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.
【例】These temporary hive extensions conttain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey. 临时扩充的蜂箱里有用来让蜜蜂贮存蜂蜜的空蜂巢。
(4)短语连词。如:as if,as long as,in order that等。
[bri:d]n. 品种;v. 教养;繁殖;酿成
have a good time, at the head of, in fact, look after, get on, stand in line, quarrel with, make a noise, laugh at, throw about, get off, feel well, grow up, telephone sb.
c) Leading-in
T: When you feel bad or sick, you had better go to the hospital, and doctors will help you. Then the doctor will ask you some questions about illness and let you take your temperature, at last ask you to take some medicine if your illness is not too serious.
d) Presentation
T: Jill didn’t feel very well. She began to cough. Her mother asked her what was the matter. She told her mother she had a headache and a cough. Her mother could see how terrible the cough was. So she took her daughter to see a doctor at once.(可把图画出来)
T: Look at the picture. Try to guess what they are talking about.
e) Practice
1. Listening: Listen to the tape and try to understand it.
2. Reading: Read the dialogue after the tape, then read together. Try to memorize it.
3. Practising: Work in pairs.
4. Acting: Ask some pairs to come to the front and act it out.
f) Teaching dialogue
T: Let’s do Exercise Two, Puzzle dialogue.
shining like a beacon miles away. 这束光直射夜空,像几英里外的灯塔一般闪闪发亮。
[b]n. 徽章;标记;象征
I was going to leave when he came in.
[klent]v. 握紧;咬紧(牙关等);n. 牢牢抓住;钉紧
iv. Result