1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
My fingers are all thumbs.
[字面意思] 我的指头都成了大拇指了。
[解释] 紧张或劳累过度,手指头发僵,不听使唤。昨天打字,工作到晚上12点,今早感觉手指麻木,现在I can\'t operate the keyboard properly; my fingers are all thumbs.
label [lebl] n. 标签(tag)v. 标记(mark)
《自然》 Nature http://www.nature.com
Then they get more complicated:
1. May the warmest of wishes,happiest of thoughts and friendliest of greetings come to you and stay with you throughout the year.
2. Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy,and all the happy things in life.
3. I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most about and the person that came to mind was you,so I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
4. Another year has come to an end. And it’s nice to have a friend like you to make my every day so great. Thank you my dear friend.
5. When a greeting comes from afar you can’t hear the wishes and can’t see the smile,but you can sense the care that truly comes from the heart. Happy New Year.
6. Everyone says the earth is such a huge place. So,with those billions and billions of people and all,I believe it’s a miracle that I got to know you!
7. If I were in heaven,I’d write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.
8. Remember that there is always someone thinking of you at New Year,whether you get the message or not.
9. A special smile,a special face. A special someone I can’t replace. A special hug,from me to you. A special friendship,I’ve found in you…… Happy New Year,my dear friend.
Extremely intoxicated.
【例】The ornaments on the Christmas tree shined and sparkled. 圣诞树上的装饰品闪闪发光。
【搭】wipe out 抹掉,擦去,除去;消灭,毁灭
What about placing a trial order?
n. 怪想法分解为cap+rice,cap是 帽子 ,rice为 大米 ,联想一个情景:我们平时把大米都是放在米缸里或米袋里,但有一个人说,我不用米缸装大米,也不用米袋装大米,我要用帽子来装大米,这个人的这个想法就是怪想法
【参】crossroad(n. 十字路口);intersection(n. 十字路口,交叉口)
【派】artistically(ad. 艺术地)
Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you\'ll choose?
Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?
Here are our FOB price. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.
detest [dtest] v. 憎恶(hate)
《大西洋月刊》The Atlantic Monthly