1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
Working under such a condition is terrible.
(under such a condition 是 working 的状语)
It\'s too difficult for him to master English in such a short time.
It has a great element of awkwardness and the family has a fantastic sense ofhumour for sending it in.
One of the biggest recent scandals in the business world involved many executives from Enron. These men were focusedon how much they could produce, on how much money they could make for themselves. To increase their production, they engaged in risky, illegal, and unethical business practices that eventually led to the total destruction of the entire company and ruined the lives thousands of Enron employees and investors. Although the dollar value of these men may have been very high at one time, their current value and worth has plummeted. If we think of value in another sense, with a humanitarian or social slant, it becomes even more obvious that these men now have little worth in the eyes of their peers, former employees, and former stockholders. The Enron executives should have focused on making a quality product rather than on quantity in order to maintain a successful company along with satisfied employees and stockholders.
Our coming made him happy.
我们的到来使他很高兴。(coming 起名词作用)
例:Let the function g be defined for all values of xby g(x)=x(x+1). If m is a positive number and g(m+2)=12,what is the value of m?
作者的观点“In order to move up the ladder of success and achievement we must come to terms with our past and integrate it into our future”,对于过去的态度是“come to terms”并且“integrate into future”。
(C)in addition the development of better breath control
Broken mirrors: 在西方,镜子被超自然的属性,常常用来预知未来。打碎了一面镜子就如同打碎了的未来。 房间中的镜子落下来摔碎,就意味着某位家人将很快死去 (If a mirror falls and breaks by itself, someone in the house will soon die)。