1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【参】skinny(a. 瘦得皮包骨一样的);slim(a. 苗条的)
【例】They came to perceive the war as a kind of democratic crusade against southern society. 他们逐渐把战争视为对抗南方都市的一种民主运动。
《科学美国人》Scientific American
【例】The basketball bounced off the backboard and missed the basket. 篮球从篮板上弹了回来,没进篮筐。//Your little nephew is growing by leaps and bounce. 你的小侄子长得很快。
spherical [sferkl] a. 球的;球状的【例】The Greeks knew that during eclipses of the moon, the earth was between the sun and the moon, and they saw that during these eclipses, the earth's shadow on the moon was always round. They realized that this could be true only if the earth was spherical. 希腊人知道月食的时候地球在太阳和月亮之间,他们发现这期间地球在月亮上的影子总是圆的,于是意识到只有地球是个球体时才可能如此。
leftover [leftovr] n. [常pl.]剩余物;剩饭菜
【例】Two plates continued to float and therefore buckled to form a mountain chain. 两个板块继续漂移,碰撞后形成了山脉。
curl [krl] v. (使)卷曲,蜷缩(crouch)n. 卷发;卷曲状;卷曲物
【例】Particles spiral back and forth between the Earth's magnetic poles. 粒子在地球磁极之间来回盘旋。
【例】Aristotle considered an object downward or upward motion to be the result of dominant nature of the object. 亚里士多德认为,物体的上下运动是由物体本身所具有的支配性所产生的结果。
【例】Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and to allow for freer movement; the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered. 与登月太空服相比,火星太空服所需的气罐更小,穿着活动更加自由,其肘部和膝部也将有所改变。
【派】predominant(a. 卓越的;支配的)estimate [estmet] vt. 估计(*judge, *reckon);估价(value)