dents that study both subjects is the same as the number of students that study exactly one subject, how many students in the group study only Italian?
B:I am very,very excited to meet all of you here.
All that\'s needed to become one is a few minutes each day or each week togather data and send it in. 后台服务器接收从车载终端模块发送过来的数据信息,并负责对这些数据信息进行处理,按照不同的命令类型,调用不同的方法,将数据转发到监控中心。
Assignment: What is your view of the claim that something unsuccessful can still have some value? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and example taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.
4. E
15. Some parents believe not only that excessive television viewing wastes their children's time, but also that it lowers their attention spans.
She is afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.她不敢联系社会服务部门,以免被当作问题家庭。If the property needs a new dishwasher, no problem, just put it on a credit card.如果住所需要一个新的洗碗机,没问题,用信用卡买一个就可以了。If they don\'t want to speak to me, fine. No problem.如果他们不想和我讲话,好的。我不介意。A new problem has arisen.出现了新问题。The problem became even more complicated.问题更复杂了。He doped out a solution to the problem.他想出了一个解决问题的办法。
单位的 英语 怎么说单词也不能够独立的存在,独立存在的单词很容易被忘记,所以同学们在背诵的时候,最好能够背诵句子,背诵课文,这样同学们是一举多得,既可以背诵单词,还能够拥有更多的英语的累计,记住很多的句子。以下是小编为您整理的单位的英语怎么说的相关内容。
The main problem is unemployment主要的问题是失业。With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.对于数学题,可以用取近似值的办法节约时间。In some cases a problem child is placed in a special school有时,问题儿童被放在特殊的学校。\'Can you repair it?\' \'No problem\'“你能修好它吗?”“没问题。”\'I ought to think about going actually. If that\'s all right with you.\' \'Yeah. No problem.\'“事实上,我应该考虑去,如果你不介意的话。”“嗯,没关系。”He told Americans that solving the energy problem was very important他告诉美国人解决能源问题非常重要。I do not have a simple solution to the drug problem.我没有解决毒品问题的简单办法。
163. Don’t take it personally 别当这是人身攻击
Personal字是“个人的,私人的”意思,好比若不熟的朋友,最好就别问人家“私人问题”,要是哪天你说了会冒犯到别人的话,你若想要言明是对事不对人,你就可以用上这句话Don’t take it personally.“别把它当成人身攻击。”
A:What? You think I’m fat? 你觉得我肥?
B:Don’t take it personally. You still look good.
164. Shoot someone down 拒绝,165. 数落
Shoot someone down 的本意是“拒绝”,而且是那种让人难堪,不留情面的拒绝。好比你去面试的时候:
A:Did you get the new job? 你新工作了吗?
B:No, the boss shot me down in the interview. ,那老板在面试的时候不留余地数落我。