booth 展位 hall 展厅 isle 通道
explosive n. 爆炸物,炸药
rigorously adv. 严格的,严厉的
frisk n. 搜身
姓 family name
年 year
名 First (Given) Name
月 month
性别 sex
偕行人数 accompanying number
男 male
职业 occupation
女 female
专业技术人员 professionals & technical
国籍 nationality
行政管理人员 legislators &administrators
国籍 country of citizenship
办事员 clerk
护照号 passport No.
商业人员 commerce
原住地 country of Origin
服务人员 service
前往目的地国 destination country
农民 farmer
登机城市 city where you boarded
工人 worker
签证签发地 city where visa was issued
其他 others
签发日期 date issue
无业 jobless
前往国家的住址 address while in
签名 signature
街道及门牌号 number and street
官方填写 official use only
城市及国家 city and state
出生日期 date of Birth
It is for the Arabs themselves to create this more hopeful world.
B、C的错误原因同A,都要在两个选项的America前加上that of,才具有可比性。
E的问题是使用了has,同时else很多余,并且moderate amounts of intelligence的表达不够简洁。
Student:Oh, I see. Since I\'m a sophomore, I can register between 10 and 12 a.m.on Wednesday, the 25th.
(E)imposed sanctions on a nation of renegades last month after they violated
中文的作文喜欢以“理”服人,但西方的惯例是让事实说话,所谓的Facts are more eloquent than lips(事实胜于雄辩)。
Many a student is…
(D)are not highly motivated or at least moderately intelligent
14. Observers of democratic elections have said that their role is at once thrilling because of its importance but its limitations are still an aggravation.
There is hope today because \"many developing countries have succeeded in lifting millions of people out of impoverishment and despair.
通情达理的同事们一定会回答你:It\'s fine.或That\'s ok.
4. Jean Valentine's daughter said that she had decided to write another book, although no publication date was given.
从提问中“Do you agree or disagree that people really want others to give them their honest opinion?”,我们不难发现有一个斜体的“really”。