I have breakfast at 7 every day.
在句子中come across就被直接翻译为“被理解”其实意思从“相遇,偶遇”演变而来的。就拿上面例子来说吧,当有的方法使“赞美”(compliments)与“它本来要表达的意思”(the way they\'re meant)相遇时,“赞美”就会被的理解。
What do you usually do in your spare time?
一 single
Have a smoke? 抽烟吗?
Have a smoke, will you? 你要抽烟吗?
Help yourself to a cigarette. 请抽烟。
Would you like a cigarette? 想抽支烟吗?
Won\'t you have a smoke? 不想抽支烟吗?
Please have a smoke. It\'s a new brand. 请抽烟,这是新牌子的。
No, thanks. I\'ve just put one out. 不,谢谢。我刚熄灭一支。
No, thanks. Cigars are too strong for me. 不,谢谢。我觉得雪茄劲儿太大了。
No, thanks. I honestly don\'t feel lik one at the moment. 不,谢谢。我现在实在不想抽。
No, thanks. I never somke before meals. 不,谢谢。饭前我从不吸烟。
No, thanks. I\'m trying to smoke less. 不,谢谢。我正在设法吸烟。
No, thanks. I\'ve decided to give up smoking. 不,谢谢。我已决定戒烟了。
No, thanks. Not while I\'m working. 不,谢谢,工作的时候我不抽。
Ok, I\'ll have one. 好,我抽一支。
Can you give me a light? 借个火可以吗?
Could I trouble you for a lighter? 麻烦你借个火可以吗?
【例】It is essential to reserve a computer three days in advance if you want to use one. 如果你想使用电脑,最好提前3天预订。
“吸烟有害健康(Smoking is hazardous to health.)”5月10日,卫生部妇幼保健与社区卫生司司长杨青在卫生部例行新闻发布会上指出,世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》要求,自 2011年1月起,我国应当在所有室内公共场所、室内工作场所、公共交通工具和的室外公共场所完全禁止吸烟。Will you give up smoking? 让来学点和抽烟的英语吧。
【例】The simplicity of Indian ways of life hasbeen judged an evolutionary adaptation to forest ecology. 印第安人的生活方式很简单,这被认为是对森林生态环境的进化性适应。
【例】Nicotine and other toxins in cigarette smoke will affect blood circulation throughout the body. 香烟中的尼古丁和其它毒素会影响人体内的血液循环。
Guan Yu was so curious that he asked: “We all go out to fight the battle. But what will you do?” Zhuge Liang answered smiling, “I will sit and wait here in town.” Zhang Fei burst into larghter and said: “We all go out to risk our lives while you enjoy your time carefree inside the town!” Zhuge said: “I have the sword of authority. Those who disobey my orders will be executed.” Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, but they walked away sneeringly.