1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
for/from want of 缺少……
The flowers died from want of water.
Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine.
for the use of 供……使用的
This parking lot is for the use of employees only.
This dining hall is for the use of teachers.
in support of 支持……,拥护……
He spoke at the meeting in support of my idea.
They decided to stay in support of the new leadership.
so as to (做)……,以便(做)……
They made a lot of lively programs so sas to attract more children.
298. You're really killing me! 真是笑死我了!
Unfortunately, Peter had to sell his neighborhood hardware store. Because of competition from the bigger stores in the shopping center, he was going in the hole every month. His store was small and did not generate enough income to meet expenses. As a consequence, he was rapidly losing money and going into debt.
5. Face the Music=accept the consequences
面对事实, 后果。
A: It\'s no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don\'t listen, and now you\'re going to have to face the music.
B: The trouble with me is that I can\'t stop with just one or two, especially when they\'re so tart. I\'ll admit that I tend to forget that eventually I\'m going to have the accept the consequences for what I\'ve done.
A: I sure hope it was worth it.
6. blow it=fail at something
A: How did you do on the history exam?
B: I think I blew it! There was a section on the Civil War, and that\'s the chapter in the book that I studied the least.
A: Well, at this point you can\'t really be sure that you completely failed the examination. You must have done okay on the rest of the test.
B: Perhaps I didn\'t fail the entire exam, but I\'m sure that I didn\'t do well.
7. On the Line=in danger of being lost
Lately Tom\'s been more conscientious about the accuracy and quality of his work with the company. He was warned that his job was on the line because of his lack of concern for his duties. When Tom was alerted that he was in danger of losing his job, he began to take his obligations with the company more seriously.
The law, your contracts, your public protect you, do they? How?法律、合约和公众会保护你。真的会吗?怎么保护?He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country\'s laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。Laws protect the enjoyment of their rights.法律保障他们享受自己的权利。His manifesto promised measures to protect them.他在宣言里确保要为他们采取保护措施。The first duty of any government must be to protect the interests of the taxpayers任何政府的首要职责都必须是保护纳税人的利益。There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。
3. Did you come to our office before?
Every unit can develop only by giving up new ideas.
134. It’s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。
To leave or go somewhere. (It is somehow related to Patrick Swayze, the actor.)
They later receive an analysis of the conversation delivered through text message that breaks down the amount of affection, surprise, concentration andhonesty of the other speaker.
C:I hope you'll be happy here.
206. Here's a gift for you. 这里有个礼物送给你。
Since sometimes reading "lol" doesn't deliver the same punch as actually hearingyour friend laugh at your jokes, you can now use voice and video capabilities in your Gmail chat.
With the development of economy, the life of the people has gradually changed from "food and clothing" to "well-off".
They supplied the people in the flood-stricken area with food aids. 他们向受灾地区的人们提供了食品援助。
4. Me too. 我也是。