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放大字体  缩小字体    更新日期:2025-03-09 10:01  来源:长沙供销大厦雅思培训学校  作者:张老师  浏览次数:130





Dialogue 3

W: I think modern painting meanS nothing

M: I think so too. It\'s just pointless.

W: Then why are so many crazy about it

M: I don\'t know.Maybe they are really crazy.

W: Maybe.



(C)and you should omit needless words

Students, on the other hand, also do not say what they really intend to do. Their actions are the only reliable way through which one can understand their true attitudes. For example, my friend Tom has such a case.

(E)Often using unorthodox methods, the Internet startup quickly made its

After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。



12. There are several reasons behind sth替换..reasons for sth

were animals and treated them as such. During the reform period of the Jacksonian era William Iloyd Garrison began to publish his abolitionist newspaper The Liberator. In this newspaper he demanded that the African American slaves be set free immediately, without any compensation to their owners. Because his view on slavery was against the common belief of the population he was not received well. Throughout his life he was given multiple death threats and one of his abolitionist friends was killed. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist after Garrison's time, but she was received in much of the same way. After the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was released, she wrote the book Uncle Tom's Cabin. It was a story of a slave living in the South and the cruelity of his owner. The inhumanness of the owner caused many southerners to ban the book in anger, but at the same time it brought the terrible act of slavery to the light. Many northerners used this book as a weapon against the South's

(C)and at work in other medical fields

例:Ray has $175 that he wants to distribute among Jack, Bill, and Carl. He wants to give Jack twice as much as he gives Bill and half as much as he gives Carl. How much should he give Jack?



He is taller by far than his brother.

He is by far the taller of the two brothers.

④表示一方随另一方的程度而变化时,用“the +比较级(主语+谓语),the +比较级(主语+谓语)”

There's a common saying usually applied to sports:"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." This saying, however, can easily be applied to how we live and whether or not we are able to achieve personal happiness. As the Humboldt quotation suggests, it's not the events that occurs in our lives but rather the way we react to these events that most affects our happiness. Excellent representations of this can be found in Shakespeare's "Hamlet," where characters respond differently to the same situation and gain varying levels of happiness because of their respective reactions.

9. Professor Schonle's son told the magazine that he had decided not to accept the new position, even though the current chairman had already resigned.


The goal of the Columbia space shuttle mission was to launch safely into space, performing scientific experiments, and to land safely on earth. This was what the crew of and the people at the Houston space centre attempted. This mission was successful until re-entry, when the space shuttle disintegrated without warning. The goal was not achieved; seven astronauts tragically lost their lives. This failure does not mean thatthis tradgety was without value. It forced NASA to re-examine its contingencies. NASA was compelled to look carefully at its organization structure, independent contractors, and engineering practices. Congress demanded accountability, and was forced to re-examine its budget practices concerning space exploration.



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