1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
That table measures ten feet by five.
The traditional pattern of classroom experience at the college level brings the professor and a group of 20 to 30 students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week.
4. E
首先排除A、B和C,因为在United States前是介词in,所以在Europe or Asian前也必须是个介词in,以构成平行。
How many more minutes does it take machine A to produce 32 chairs than it takes machine B?
Reader\'s Digest上刊登的小故事就足以说明迷信对理解现代英语的。现在让看看小故事吧:
Three women were talking about the inconveniences of growing old.
(C)to compete in numerous races is
圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)的研究人员称,制造抓耳歌曲需要满足五个重要条件。
One of the crewmembers of Andrea Gail, Bobby Shatford, has a divorce lawyer to pay off and a new life to build with his girlfriend, christina
Some ... (the type that the author does not approve )
度来看,是in architecture和in something在做比较,而something里又包含了一个小并列即music or literature。D把music or literature联合作为一个比较对象和architecture比较,而E等于是把music和literature分开,分别和architecture作比较。显然,D的表达方式符合大并列里包含小并列的规则。
(E)making people more dependent
(E)has low motivation or else at least moderate amounts of intelligence
These are receptiveness - how you feel about the song - ability, , melodic potency - how good the \'\' is - and rhythmic repetition.
还有就是最后一句(Hopefully, they will change it)显得很勉强,让人感觉作者是无话可说但又想拉长文章篇幅的一个无奈之举,另外使文章的语气有点玩世不恭。