4. 11
并且文章使用了一些过渡词,如one of, although, however, a specific example, for this reason等,使得全文逻辑严密自然。
Many people let themselves be influenced by what happens to them, like Hamlet, and these people have difficulty finding happiness.
The goal of the Columbia space shuttle mission was to launch safely into space, performing scientific experiments, and to land safely on earth. This was what the crew of and the people at the Houston space centre attempted. This mission was successful until re-entry, when the space shuttle disintegrated without warning. The goal was not achieved; seven astronauts tragically lost their lives. This failure does not mean thatthis tradgety was without value. It forced NASA to re-examine its contingencies. NASA was compelled to look carefully at its organization structure, independent contractors, and engineering practices. Congress demanded accountability, and was forced to re-examine its budget practices concerning space exploration.
【例】Sup, dogg! [Cal State Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, 1998; California State University at Northridge, Northridge, CA] (See also, dawg.)
(B)the decision was that his fatherwould not accept the new position
do? He had only a few coina in his pocket.
The judge asked the studcnt if he had any money. The student
took 5 coins from his pockct and held them out to the judge in his right hand.
● SAT作文是写作的3个section之一
1966年移居到纽约后,她日渐投入到社会的变化中去(Rich moved with her family, which then included three sons, to New York City and became increasingly involved in the sociopolitical activism of the day)。