1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
大学英语口语考试CET Spoken English Test简称CETSET,它是用于测试我国大学生运用英语口语交际的能力的考试。
【例】These temporary hive extensions conttain frames of empty comb for the bees to fill with honey. 临时扩充的蜂箱里有用来让蜜蜂贮存蜂蜜的空蜂巢。
For example, it had a program on the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at the end of the year. Secondly, it often has items about nature.
I’m glad you have come.I was on the point of calling you,but you’ve saved me the trouble now.
【派】avoidance(n. 避免)
【例】The fires blaze fiercely on the plain. 大火在草原上熊熊燃烧。
【例】This new manager was really competent. 新任经理的确很能干。
[baiu'metriks]n. 生物测定学
【例】Most dung beetles burrow into the soil and bury dung in tunnels. 大多数蜣螂在地下挖洞,并将粪球埋在地下。
“It\'s not only a way to gain knowledge to improve yourself, but also a way to slow down your pace of life, ” explained Zhou Yunqing, a Wuhan University sociologist.
【派】comparable(a. 可比较的);comparison(n. 比较,对比)
【例】This room is used mainly for badminton and aerobics. 这间屋子主要用作羽毛球室,也可以在这里跳健美操。