1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
2. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
We’ve got to get this done without going back to square one. 我们得把它完成,而不要从头再来。
My sister is a contrast to Jewel's effective combination of talent and motivation. When she was little, my sister showed natural talent as a dancer, and my parents enrolled her in classes to develop her talent. My sister, however, didn't care about dancing, so she never practiced or put any effort into her classes. Eventually, my parents realized that they were wasting their money to pay for the training because even though she had talent, my sister's lack of will meant
(A)she had decided to write another book
The experts claim the formula sheds light on why some musical combinations are unforgettable - and in some cases, inescapable.
3分作文: Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle was not successful but was valuable. The Columbia disaster it was really sad that the Columbia blew up and the astronauts died. I saw it on my TV and cried. They found pieces for days and days all over Texas. But it was valuable like that Challenger that blew up a long time ago because it makes us want to get it right. We want to fix it so it doesn't happen again and so regular people can go to space like that kid from N*Synch tried to do. And so we will keep going to space and getting satellites for satellite TV and spying and stuff. And so NASA and the President are going to go to Mars next. Something not successful can still have value because we will go to space even if theColumbia disaster happened. 【点评】 这是一篇让人哭笑不得的跑题作文,能拿3分也足以说明SAT作文给分还是很宽松的。
When I got to my grandmother\'s house, my mother complained incessantly that she was tired in the unit and tired at home.
从没有划线的部分可以看出,but also后面接的是一个that引导的宾语从句,所以前面必须是not only接that从句,才能构成完美的平行结构。顺着这个线索去找答案会发现,只有A是符合要求的。
(C)were absent so often; that I was afraid she might be
E的问题是使用了has,同时else很多余,并且moderate amounts of intelligence的表达不够简洁。
What was the total number of eggs used to make all of these cakes?