inactive [nktv] a. 不活动的;怠惰的(idle)
【例】Prof. Andrews has agreed to administer the exam. 安德鲁斯教授已同意了进行考试。
【搭】supreme court 最高法院
ranch [rnt] n. 大牧场
Chris: If you need help, don\'t hesitate to ask me.
Bonnie:I\'d be very glad if you would help.
Chris: I\'d like to wish you every success in your new venture.
Bonnie:Thank you.
Chris: Good luck to you.
【搭】visual aids 直观教具;visual arts 视觉艺术;visual image 可视图像
【例】When the scientists looked at the shoot versus the root surface, they found that the shoot surface, with all of its leaves, had a total surface area of about five square meters. 科学家们对比芽部和根部表面时发现,将所有叶片面积计算在内,芽表面的总表面积大约有5平方米。
retire [rtar] vi. 退休,引退
【例】Members of the Academy and Institute are not eligible for any cash prizes. 研究院的成员没有资格获得奖金。
A: What did you think of the lecture? Isn't that professor something?
【参】contend(v. 斗争)
【派】mammalian(a. 哺乳动物的,哺乳纲的)
varnish [vrn] vt. 上清漆