['njul]a. 每年的,一年一次的
【例】Those willing to extend the validity of their bid shall be neither required nor permitted to modify it. 那些愿意延长其投标有效期的投标人,不需要也不允许修改其投标。
⑤at six o’clock 在6点钟
【例】We hope that ostrich meat will be available soon and before long will be as cheap as beef. 我们希望不久就可以买到鸵鸟肉,而且希望它的价格不久就会变得和牛肉一样便宜。
['kf]n. 保险箱
【例】Today approximately 10 species might be said to have been "saved" by captive breeding programmes. 据说现在约有10个物种通过抓捕繁殖计划获得拯救。
The collection of our school library is 200% up compared with 1998.
这说明,现在人们使用的书面语越来越口语化。It shows people are increasingly writing in a register somewhere in between spoken and written English.中国常见翻译是我们的中国雇员翻译的,更加口语化。Chinese common translation is the interpretation from a mainland Chinese speaker.“X就X”格式是生活中常见的一种口语化的格式。\"X Jiu X\" form is an ordinary spoken language often used in peoples daily life.译者和修辞顾问们努力想达到的,就是文体要清楚而自然&新国际版圣经使用的英文必须口语化而非习语化,现代化而非时代化;Concern for clear and natural English-that the New International Version should be idiomatic but not idiosyncratic, contemporary but not dated-motivated the translators and consultants.
3有关保护英语怎么说的例句2:So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?Many
The United States Supreme Court permits the Ten Commandments to be on public property so long as the goal of displaying them is not to gain support for religion. But in nineteen eighty, the Court ruled that the Ten Commandments cannot be shown in public schools because displaying them shows support of religion by the government.
大学英语口语考试CET Spoken English Test简称CETSET,它是用于测试我国大学生运用英语口语交际的能力的考试。