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课程名称: 2025年郑州哪里可以学sat
品牌: sat培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
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最后更新: 2025-03-10 00:52
浏览报名: 807人
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Unbrellas: It\'s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors (在室内撑伞会带来厄运)。太阳因有无穷威力而受到人们崇拜,室内撑伞则被是对太阳的侮辱,进而会给屋内的每人都带来厄运。与伞的事都同坏运,不宜把雨伞礼物送给西方人。

Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy。面的要求降低了但信。

dogpack (n)

(A)rests on honest reporting, respect for news sources, and it requires balanced stories

(D)and digests easily as well

The inhumanness of the owner caused many southerners to ban the book in anger, but at the same time it brought the terrible act of slavery to the light.


Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the opposite view.

3有关保护英语怎么说的例句2:So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.许多厂家都购买了保险,以防遭到敲诈。A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.政府承诺保护租户们的利益。The regulations are made to protect women\'s and children\'s rights and interests.制定这个规定是为了保护妇女儿童的权益。Britain\'s concern to protect national sovereignty is far from new.英国对捍卫国家主权的关切早已不是什么新鲜事了。We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology.我们必须采取措施保护专利技术。You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes为了免受烟雾危害,你必须戴上护目镜和面罩。





(D)As the running at high altitudes increases

4分作文: Some people would say that something that is not successful does not have any value. I would have to disagree with this statement. Sometimes, things that are not successful still have some value. For example, the Columbia space shuttle and the Vietnam War were not successful, but they had value. Thus, it is true that something not successful can still have value. For instance, the Columbia disaster. Columbia was destroyed in an accident when the shuttle tried to re-enter the atmosphere. This accident was a horrible failure and many people were very upset by it. The value, though, comes from the new way in which we now look at things. Because of Columbia, the space program now know what is wrong. Hopefully, they will change it. Vietnam is also an example of something not successful. We went to Vietnam in an attempt to get rid of communists. Thewar went on for a while, but we were not able to win. Many soldiers were killed and the public were very angry about the whole thing. Soon there were many protests across the country and college students especially became active against the war. By the time the war was ended the people were very upset with their country. These two examples show that something not successful can still have value. As we have seen, both Columbia and the Vietnam War were not successful. Yet, we got something of value out of them. 【点评】 开始段落把中心观点讲出来了,并且也有thesis statement。

在用词方面,第二段里使用了amicable、circumvent、pose(作者笔误,应该是imposed),第三段使用了eloquently、raging fervently、exacerbated the problem、futile。

Many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success and achievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it. But others have just the opposite view.










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