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课程名称: 宜昌伍家岗区学雅思去哪个学校好
品牌: 雅思培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-05 15:52
浏览报名: 354人
咨询电话: (拨打免费)
即时通讯: 点击交谈 






An essay in this category demonstrates reasonably consistent mastery, although it will have occasional errors or lapses in quality. A typical essay

(At the Canton Fair, Mr. Smith. a businessman front America,meets Mr. Wang, a Chinese sales representative in front of his booth. )
  Mr. Wang: Good morning, sir. Welcome to our booth. Would you like to have a seat?
  Mr. Smith: Thank you.
  Mr. Wang:Here\'s my business card.
  Mr. Smith:Thank you. Please accept mine.Mr. Wang:Oh. Mr. Smith, I see that you are from America. Have you heard of our company before?
  Mr. Smith: Sorry. I haven\'t. Could you tell me something about it?
  Mr. Wang: Yes. our company has produced textiles formally years. and now we have five retail outlets nationwide. We enjoy a good reputation in the textile industry, and now our company has commanded 15% of the domestic market.
  Mr. Smith: OK. Perhaps we can work together in the future.
  Mr. Wang: I hope so.
  Mr. Smith: May I know something about your new products?
  Mr. Wang: Yes, this is our latest catalog, and you can find our new products here.
  Mr. Smith: Oh,there are so many new products. I would say some of them could be found on the market in my country.
  Mr. Wang: Yes. Owing to their superior quality and reasonable price, they are warmly received in most western countries. Therefore, you can rest assured they would suit the taste of your market as well.
  Mr. Smith: That sounds good.
  Mr. Wang: Mr.Smith, please take your time and look around. You are welcome to visit our factory any time.
  Mr. Smith: Sure, I\'m planning to visit some factories after this trade fair.
  Mr. Wang: That would be great. We\'re really looking forward to seeing you again.


Absence without leave ; ditching;play hooky
For example, it is not considered dishonorable to quit a job, even if you have had it for only a short time

Writing it down is a hopeful act: It guarantees that in some way, it will last.

(B)believe that excessive television viewing would be wasteful of

(D)such as a medical student

她的生平也可以说是女性觉醒、对自身角色重新认识的一个缩影。她24岁与Alfred Haskell Conrad结婚,育有三子,使得她无法专注于自己的写作,这种状态也让她觉得不满足(These conflicting roles and ambitions left her unfulfilled)。

E选项的问题在于用分号把so… that结构分开了。

Assignment: Which do you think contributes more to personal happiness: what happens to you or the way you respond to what happens? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading,

从提问中“Do you agree or disagree that people really want others to give them their honest opinion?”,我们不难发现有一个斜体的“really”。

A是用law student的responsibilities和medical student作比较,二者属于不同性质的东西,不可比。

006 Approval and Disapproval 天天学英语

1.Are you in favour of his opinion?

2.Is it ok now?

3.Do you approve of the new disign?

4.Good. It\'s the correct thing to do.

5.The idea is very good.

6.What an excellent idea.

7.I don\'t think that\'s very good.

8.That\'s silly.

9.Surely not.

10.I must say I disapprove of tax avoidence.








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