It\'s not a cat,but a dog.这不是猫,而是狗。
Things are not always what they seem(to be).事物并不总是与表象一致。
E中,have been collected是现在完成时,和句子背景冲突,句子的主要时态是过去时态。
My sister is a contrast to Jewel's effective combination of talent and motivation. When she was little, my sister showed natural talent as a dancer, and my parents enrolled her in classes to develop her talent. My sister, however, didn't care about dancing, so she never practiced or put any effort into her classes. Eventually, my parents realized that they were wasting their money to pay for the training because even though she had talent, my sister's lack of will meant
develops a point of view on the issue that is vague or seriously limited, and demonstrates weak critical thinking, providing inappropriate or insufficient examples, reasons, or other evidence to support its position
本文第一段就使用了“I have learned the real meaning of education. It is learning to be able to form your own intelligent view of the world, based on both knowledge and a clear, open mind”这样一个长句子,对中心思想进行阐述。
【摘 要】词汇教学是语言教学的重要组成部分,面对浩如烟海的英语词汇,学生常常苦于记忆单词效率低,遗忘速度快,许多英语成绩差的学生将词汇的学习与记忆比作“拦路虎”,以致谈“虎”色变,对英语学习缺乏信心。我认为,词汇教学在英语教学中有着举足轻重的地位,它贯穿整个英语教学的始终。词汇是语言的基础,离开了词汇,语言就没有了意义。
Broken mirrors: 在西方,镜子被超自然的属性,常常用来预知未来。打碎了一面镜子就如同打碎了的未来。 房间中的镜子落下来摔碎,就意味着某位家人将很快死去 (If a mirror falls and breaks by itself, someone in the house will soon die)。
(D)while being so limited as to aggravate them
that her talent became useless, because she needed to work to transform her talent into true skill and experience in order to achieve success, but she didn't have the motivation to follow through with this.
在上句中,pretty和intelligent同为对she的修饰语,用not only… but also这样的词组将它们连接起来,作为句子的表语。
仓央嘉措曾写下这样的词句:曾虑多情损梵行, 入山又恐别倾城 。对于很多中学生来说,也是一项 修为 与 意趣 不可得兼的苦旅。 这二者是否可以两全呢?能否在轻松有趣的学习中获得所需的能量呢?