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您当前的位置:首页 » 培训课程 » 2025年威海环翠区英语口语2025年秋季培训班十大排名
课程名称: 2025年威海环翠区英语口语2025年秋季培训班十大排名
品牌: 英语口语培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-01 01:05
浏览报名: 603人
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即时通讯: 点击交谈 



1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂



trial [tral] n. 审讯;试验,考验(test)

The cup was broken by the boy. 杯子被那个男孩打碎了。

Could you tell me which kind of payment terms you\'ll choose?

Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time?


Here are our FOB price. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.

While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can\'t reduce our price any further.

【派】profoundly(ad. 深度地)

sympathetic [smpθetk] a. 有同情心的;【物】和应的

predominant [prdmnnt] a. 支配的;主要的(dominant, principal)


What are you up to? 你正在做什么? 跟上面的例子一样,“你正在做什么啊?”这句话通常我们就只会说,\"What are you doing?\"这样子不会 很无聊吗?其实有时我们可以换句话说,例如:\"What are you up to?\"同样也是问人家你正在做什么?承上 例,假设你在办公室里,你想找人八卦,所以问同事,\"In the middle of something?\"他回答,\"Kind of.\" (算是吧。)这时你就可以打破砂锅问到底,\"What are you up to?\"(那你近在忙什么啊?)


【派】superiority(n. 优越,优等)

We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.

【例】Your professor has asked me to talk to you today about the topic that should be of real concern to civil engineers: the erosion of the US beaches. 你的教授让我今天和你谈谈土木工程师真正应该关心的问题:美国海岸遇到的侵蚀。


centennial [sentenil] n. 百年纪念(a 100th anniversary or its celebration)

【例】The term "latent heat" refers to the energy that has to be used to convert liquid water to water vapor. “潜在热”这个词指用来把液体水转换成水蒸气的能量。

veto [vito] n. 否决(权),禁止(prohibition) vt. 否决

  制定英语学习计划太重要了,所以我们必须在学习前制定精细的和可操作的计划. 并且我们一定要严格执行这些计划.请注意:千万不要干没有计划的傻事,那等于在浪费生命.

  3. Notes should be made whenever we study any book. We may follow this advice: Don\'t read book without making notes. As we know that notes are the summarization, the core content, our understanding and the abbreviations of the books. Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easier and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to often listen to them easier, to deepen our impression and to lighten our burden of memory. Sometimes it is needful to draw some tables and illustrations that are very impressive, visual and concise.



导入: 第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题) Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文: 第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点) Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由) 第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论: 第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)


导入: 第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文: 第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...(赞同A的原因) 第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势) 结论: 第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论)


导入: 第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对) The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文: 第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论: 第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成\"总分总\"结构)

4.\"How to\"类议论文模板:

导入: 第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文: 第2段: Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论: 第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)






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