2. The Economist、The Guardian、Focus Magazine、Scientific American这几本杂志/期刊均列居第二,出现次数均为两到三次;
【例】Hypotheses are adventures of the mind. 假定是思想上的冒险。
【例】Carrying heavy boxes can cause aggravation of prior back injuries. 背部受伤时搬重物,会加重疼痛。
Jewish and Christian holy books say the Ten Commandments were laws given to the prophet Moses by God. Many Americans believe the country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Many of their beliefs are expressed in the Ten Commandments.? They are a set of rules against murder, stealing, cheating, adultery and profanity.
【例】Our neighbor's dog barks constantly. 邻居家的狗总是叫个不停。//Almost all the trees of the surrounding forest were flattened, and their branches and bark ripped off by the shock wave of the explosion from the erupting volcano. 火山喷发引起爆炸,爆炸带来的巨浪将周围的树林夷为平地,树枝和树皮也剥落下来。
其实,这个句子里的deny没像大家想象的那么神秘,各位可以用be deprived of 这个词组来理解它。
【例】It has been calculated that 17 percent of lung cancer cases can be attributed to high levels of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke. 据统计,有17%的肺癌是由于长期处于高度的二手烟环境而引起的。
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①The Democratic Party was then in power.
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