B: I've heard good things about it. I hope I get a chance to go myself soon.
film [flm] n. 电影(movie);胶卷;薄膜v. (把…)拍成电影
17) The baby liked to feel the touch of her shiny, new toy.
18) The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.
penmanship [penmnp] n. 书法(calligraphy);书写的技巧或风格
B: Yes, they'd be in the sportswear department at the back of the store.
【派】mentally(ad. 智力上地;精神上地)
Unlike the other ladyboys hoping to find men to protect them , suay just buried the friendship from cheuk in her heart . occasionally some visitors known cheuk before came in the pub , suay was hardly known that cheuk was mistakenly killed his team member in a duty , he was blamed and left the job , he ever talked with his police father for several years just because of this event . . . . as usual daily life , cheuk and suay were preparing opening of a new pub , cheuk told suay he wanted to terminate the job
【派】briefing(n. 简报;作战指示);briefly(ad. 简要地,简短地)
Upon the whole the novelty attracted him .
I didn’t meet anybody new at the party.在那次聚会上我碰到任何生人。
作为一种快速寻找信息的阅读技巧,寻读既要求速度,又要求寻读的准确性。具体地说,寻读带有明确的目的性,有针对性地选择问题的答案。因此,可以把整段整段的文字直接映入大脑,不必字字句句过目。视线在印刷材料上掠过时,一旦发现有关的内容,就要稍作停留,将它记住或摘下,既确保寻读的速度,又做到准确无误,所以寻读技巧也很有实用价值。 寻读与略读不同。略读时,读者事先对材料一无所知,而寻读则是读者对材料有所了解的情况下进行的。例如,寻读电话号码簿,读者知道受话人的姓名,还知道电话号码簿是按姓的字母顺序排列的。这样,在寻找Jackson的电话时,就可以利用书页上方的标识词,再按姓的字母顺序很快翻到以J开头的书页,从而找到 Jackson名下的电话页码。
lord (n)
A scumbag or dirty person that everyone looks down upon. (It was derived from scumlord.)
【例】A: Hey, Teresa! Thanks for agreeing to help me review all this history material.
count [kant] v. 数,计算(calculate);算入;看作,认为 n. 计数,计算
This new product is to the taste of European market.
I think it will also find a good market in your market.
Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.
不要向你的男朋友ask for the moon了,有些幼稚了啊。