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您当前的位置:首页 » 培训课程 » 2025年嘉兴英语口语培训班哪里有
课程名称: 2025年嘉兴英语口语培训班哪里有
品牌: 英语口语培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-04 09:15
浏览报名: 315人
咨询电话: (拨打免费)
即时通讯: 点击交谈 






People or groups may state what they wish were true or what they think others want to hear, but it is their actions that reveal their true values.


2. A container is <图> full of water. If 6 gallons of the water were poured into the container, it would be <图>full. How many gallons of water does this container hold when it is completely full?

D和E都是完整的条件从句,不能和前面的两个名词结构(increased lung capacity, greater range)构成平行。同时,and后的两个if从句没有主句与其搭配,所以D和E排除。



【例】Doh! I forgot my homework! [Augustana College, Rock Island, IL]

文章的拼写错误很多,全部都是口语化的东西,虽然SAT没有要求考生把作文写得像academic essay(学术论文)一样,但要是一个阅卷者在批阅一份作文时候,感觉像是在听这个作者面对面地讲话,他能给这个作文很高的评价吗?而且,整个文章的句式死板单调,显得很稚气,不像是个即将进入大学学习的中学生的作品。





  1. Leave the past in the past

  When you meet someone new, leave any negative feelings or past heartbreaks just where they should bein the past.

  2. You won’t meet someone new in your living room

  Well, maybe a cute guy will deliver your new sofa, but chances are you’re going to meet someone by getting out there and trying new thingsonline dating, taking a class, etc. Tell everyone, especially your married friends, that you’re looking to meet someone and ALWAYS go to parties. Because you truly never know who you’ll meet.

  3. Give the guy a chance

  When you were 20 your list was “he must be tall, dark and handsome.” Try going against type. It just might be a perfect fit.

  4. Look at blind dates like a first date

  Many women met their husbands on blind dates, and you can too! If you’re not sure you want to sit in a noisy restaurant, go out and do something fun. One of my friends went to a baseball game, and she and her date each brought a friend. They had a blast and got married one year later.

  5. Time is on your side

  Take your time in getting to know your guy and don’t feel in a rush to meet his children or have him meet yours. It starts with the two of you. Make sure this is someone you want in your life.

  6. Someone to come home to

  When you’re ready to move in together you will discover how wonderful it is to come home to the one you love. Be prepared for some give and takefor example, over which of each others’ belongings stay or go.

  7. Your wedding, your way

  Now you’re in love and it’s time to have your wedding exactly how you want it. Remember it is all about you and the man of your dreams. Whatever you want is the way to go.

  8. Happily ever after can happen to you

  It’s never too late to find true love. We did, and you can too!


Down low; secret.

Chinese is my mother tongue.

I am proficient in English.

I am professional in English.

I can speak fluent English.

fluency n. 流利

How many languages do you speak?


I can speak in three languages.

I’m a trilingual.

I’m a bilingual.

Canada is a bilingual country.

I can read and write in three languages.


How well do you know Chinese?


How well do you know English?

How long ... 多久

How many ... 多少

How well ... 程度如何

She speaks mandarin with a strong accent.


accent 口音

She is speaking English with a strong Japanese accent.

dialect 方言

local vernacular

Do you speak the local vernacular?

We must master the local vernacular.

mandarin Chinese 普通话

mandarin fish 鳜鱼 mandarin bird 鸳鸯

Cantonese 广东话 Hokkien 闽南话 Hakka 客家话

character 汉字 alphabetic 字母的

Pinyin plan 汉语拼音方案

Chinese phonetic alphabet

letter 字母 word 单词 phrase 词组

sentence 句子 paragraph 段落 text 正文

Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning to speak.


Speak it out. Don‘t be afraid to lose face.

As for me, reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.






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