1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】The short story showed what was kind and what was evil through the contrast between two brothers, one famous and one notorious. 这个短篇小说通过对比一个著名另一个臭名昭著的兄弟俩,显示出何为善恶。
cry/ask/wish for the moon 想做办不到的事情, 想要得不到的东西
【例】A: Would you like to try the new seafood restaurant tonight? I hear it's very good.
【例】Colds are prevalent in the winter. 感冒在冬天流行。
【参】blush(v./n. 脸红);slush(n. 烂泥)
6. It is considered a shame to cheat in examination. 考试舞弊是可耻的。
【参】bacteria(n. 细菌);virus(n. 病毒)
A: Ever since your girlfriend moved to Bridgeport, you are always driving there. How many trips a week do you make anyway?
Jasmine:Where are you from?
【例】Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not inactive. 虽然这个时期各州政府掌控着经济活动,但联邦政府也并非无所作为。
Everyone cannot do it.=Not everyone can do it.并每个人都能做。
Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections
啦啦队手上都会拿彩球吗? 那个彩球怎么说? 其实很简单, 就叫 pompom. 字在电影中也多次被提到, 像是男主角写给女主角的歌里就有唱到, \"I like your pompom.\"
3. Only one team can walk away with the championship.
要你翻译下列句子, 「胜利者可以抱走一万元现金」, 你知道「抱走」英文中要怎么翻吗? 嘿嘿, 很头痛吧! 其实我先听到英文才去想中文要怎么翻译的, 答案用 walk away with 片语, 片语可以用在赢得或是抱走某样奖品或奖金的时候. 例如上面那个句子翻译成英文 \"The winner can walk away with ten thousand dollars.\" 而在例句中同样也用到「抱走」的概念, 同样用 walk away with 片语.
, 是要强调非常轻松就赢得奖杯或是奖品的话, 则可以用 waltz off with 片语. 例如, \"I waltzed off with one hundred bucks in the contest.\" (我在比赛中轻易赢得了一百块)
4. Who\'s with me
有人正在一件事情, 你发表完了你的看法之后想问问大家, 「谁支持我的看法?」 这句话不知道大家会不会翻? 我想人会跟我一样, 直觉的反应, \"Who supports me?\" 或是 \"Who agrees with me?\" 听来都有点怪怪的. 我在电影中学到的老美口语的讲法其实很简单, \"Who\'s with me?\" 或者是, \"Who\'s on my side?\" 听来是简单明了?
5. Sounds like it.
单看中文--「我想是吧.」, 绝大多数的人大概都会说, \"I think so.\" 或是 \"I guess so.\" 说百分之百没错, 而且的确老美很喜欢用的讲法. 不过这次我又学到另一句以前我从没用过的, \"Sounds like it.\" 举个在电影里面的例子, 当男主角次见到女主角时就已心生爱慕, (标准的电影公式, 唉~) 他就用询问的语气说, \"So I\'ll see you again?\" 那女主角怎么回答的呢? \"Sounds like it.\" (我想是吧.)
6. Hand over ten bucks and leave.
讲到 hand over 片语, 让我想到每次班上同学大家轮流起来报告时, 假设 John 是个报告, Peter 是个报告, 当 John 报告完之后, 他就会说, \"Now, I\'ll hand over to Peter.\" hand over 交棒给下人的意思, 这在日常生活中 hand over 最常见的用法.