1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
The chart gives us an overall picture of the 图表主题.
The first thing we notice is that 图表大特点 .
This means that as 进一步说明.
We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节
图表细节一 . After 动词-ing :细节一中的第一个变化, the动词-ed+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化) .
logical [ldkl] a. 符合逻辑的,合理的(reasonable)
1)实词:名词 动词 数字 形容词 副词 其中名词,动词和数字使答题内容具体细化;形容词和副词的包装作用可以是答题变得更加华丽。
【参】consequent(a. 作为结果的)
时间灵活,可以兼顾家庭事务 自控性不强,效率不高
【参】emphasis(n. 强调,重点)
spectator [spektetr] n. 观众(audience)
我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去;不喜欢的事,是很难坚持下去的。而兴趣不是与生俱来的,需要培养。有的同学说:我一看到英语就头疼,怎么能培养对英语的兴趣呢? 还有的同学说:英语单词我今天记了明天忘,我太笨了,唉,我算没治了。这都是缺乏信心的表现。
be suspended from office
leave office
Rogers was slated to go in the summer, tentatively to be replaced by Kenneth Rush
【例】Rodeos at agricultural fairs began so popular that ranchers and business people began to organize rodeos as independent events, separate from fairs. 农展会的骑术表演变得这样流行,以至于大农场主和商人们开始组织与展会分开的独立骑术表演。
【例】There are hordes of traders at the jumble sale today. 今天的旧货义卖会上有很多交易者。
Unlike the other ladyboys hoping to find men to protect them , suay just buried the friendship from cheuk in her heart . occasionally some visitors known cheuk before came in the pub , suay was hardly known that cheuk was mistakenly killed his team member in a duty , he was blamed and left the job , he ever talked with his police father for several years just because of this event . . . . as usual daily life , cheuk and suay were preparing opening of a new pub , cheuk told suay he wanted to terminate the job
friction [frkn] n. 摩擦;冲突(clash, conflict)