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课程名称: 大连旅顺口区sat资格培训班
品牌: sat培训
课程学费: 电讯
上课时间: 随到随学
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-04 13:20
浏览报名: 384人
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即时通讯: 点击交谈 





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Beautiful spring spring with light footsteps coming toward us, in this season for revival, everything around become full of vitality, let\'s find together followed in the footsteps of spring, the beauty of spring!

Weather reports were coming in from the landing site at the Kennedy SpaceCenter, in Florida.

Over the past few years, China's postal and Telecommunications undertakings have developed rapidly, and communication networks are distributed throughout the urban and rural areas.

多次电话、传真往返之后,非常高兴终于见到您,Mitchell先生(先递出名片), 请收下我的名片。

J: Thanks very much, Mr. Sun. Please accept mine. (offers his own card) and please, call me Johnathan. (both look at cards for a few seconds, then put them in wallets-not pockets.)

1、This model of compressor is efficent and durable, economical and practical for Middle East clients. 这个型号的压缩机对中东客户来说,高效、耐用、经济、实惠。



A: do you like Barry?

B: no, not very much. He’s too ambitious and dishonest.

A: I agree. I like his brother, Paul. They are not alike.

B: yes. They are completely different. Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother.

A: what kind of person do you consider yourself to be?

B: I think I’m polite, careful, relaxed and shy.

A: oh, I don’t think you’re shy! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party.

B: well, yes, but those people always start talking to me. I never talk to them first. Perhaps I’m not as shy as I think. Anyway, you’re certainly not shy!

A: You’re right. I love going out and making new friends.

B: so, you’ll be at my birthday party on Friday?

A: Of course!


A: How do you think people get their personalities?

B: I think it’s mainly from the environment a person lives it.

A: Don’t you think people get their personalities from their parents?

B: no, but parents control a lot of the environment that kids grow up in, so they certainly influence their kid’s personalities a lot.

A: So why do you think many kids have personalities that are so different to their parents.

B: maybe when they become teenagers, they want to be completely different to their parents.

A: You might be right. I guess most parents want their kids to be like them, but kids today grow up in a different environment. You know, they know much more about the world from the internet, newspapers, and tv.

B: do you think that teenagers get a lot of their bad behaviour from tv and movies?

A: Maybe some of it. I think a lot of people blame TV and movies when the real problem is that the parents aren’t bringing their child up correctly.

B: Parents have a difficult job. They have to bring up their children and usually have to work too.

A: Yes, that’s fine. Your son is doing well at school, isn’t he?

B: yes, he is. He’s very hardworking when he’s at school. Then he comes home from school and does homework before dinner. After dinner, he goes out with his friends.

A: So, he’s not a bookworm? It’s good that he has an outgoing personality. Some kids are very quiet and introverted. You wonder they’ll survive in the real world without their parents to support them.

1.一根筋儿 one track-minded.


Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one track-minded?

2.出众的人 a lulu


  Which department do you work in?







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