1、专业的教师团队,掌握前沿的教学方法 2、教学经验丰富,善于激发学生的潜能 3、善于带动学员融入情景体验式课堂
【例】Carlos is a supa; get him on our team. [University of Southwestern Louina, Lafayette, LA]
[':tifkt]n. 人工制品
【例】People who smoke cigarettes are continually damaging their cardiovascular system. 吸烟的人在不断地损害他们自身的心血管系统。
brian: but i like arguments! i\'ll get the cokes and we can argue about pepsi all day!
【记】来自arid(a. 干旱的;无趣的)
[真题]But there are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate on more than one task.
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.
['we]a. 知道的;意识到的
For the most part, old people in China continue to be treated with respect and admiration.
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