do? He had only a few coina in his pocket.
The judge asked the studcnt if he had any money. The student
took 5 coins from his pockct and held them out to the judge in his right hand.
among all the pieces she has taken?
What was the weather like yesterday? Yesterday it rained all day.昨天天气怎样? 昨天下了一天雨。(疑问代词what就表语提问)
The experts claim the formula sheds light on why some musical combinations are unforgettable - and in some cases, inescapable.
utter someone up 意思是常说的“阿谀奉承,巴结讨好”的意思,butter本意是指“黄油,奶油”,在汉语中常用某人嘴上像抹了油一样来形容人很圆滑,很会拍马屁吗?
The experts claim the formula sheds light on why some musical combinations are unforgettable - and in some cases, inescapable.
Governments, businesses, groups, or people reveal themselves by how they act, not by what they say. A company may claim to value its customers, or a politician may claim to be committed to a cause, but what do their actions say?
在开始段,作者提出自己的观点,如果只有talent而没有motivation,要想获得成功是不可能的(To truly succeed, you need to have at least as much motivation as talent, because if you don't posses the desire to do something, your talent may simply wither from neglect)。接着,作者提到将要讲到的两个例子,一个是美国歌手Jewel的故事,一个是他妹妹的故事。作者在提到自己的观点前,也讲了一些“废话”来丰富第一段的内容。
(A)the competition in numerous races are
The inhumanness of the owner caused many southerners to ban the book in anger, but at the same time it brought the terrible act of slavery to the light.